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Using a vendor for clinical registry submissions
Value-based care and quality initiatives have made creating and participating in clinical registries increasingly prevalent. Clinicians worldwide continue to recognize the value of capturing and assessing patient outcomes data to improve clinical care – examining everything from specific conditions and diseases to examining the impact of certain procedures, medical devices, or drugs. Additionally, by collecting patient data, organizations can compare outcomes to national benchmarks, pursue institutional accreditations, or submit to payor incentive programs.
However, the existence and value of clinical registries entirely depend upon the ability to capture and submit health data and accessing and easily acting upon healthcare data has long been challenging. It’s left many organizations and health leaders to consider their options, including whether to partner with a healthcare data vendor.
Benefits of Partnering with a Vendor for Registry Submissions
Healthcare is one of the most innovative industries and yet visit any healthcare organization today and you’ll find a plethora of manual processes that are ineffective and inefficient. Capturing and submitting registry data is no exception. There are five key reasons to partner with a vendor for registry submission:
1. Effective, automated data collection
Collecting patient data isn’t simple. It requires consistent outreach, with engaging content, that prompts patients to provide key health information. A vendor can automate this outreach, allowing you to scalably connect with entire patient populations depending upon condition, procedure, device, demographics, and patient reported outcomes. For example, for AAOS American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) submissions, a vendor partner can collect PROMIS-10, HOOS, Jr., KOOS, Jr. and other patient reported outcome measures.
2. Reduced administrative burden
Just as data collection isn’t an easy process, rarely is registry submission. Even if data needed exists within the EMR, it is exceptionally challenging to scrape the relevant data from patient chart and compile the information appropriately for registry submission. The vendor takes on this process for your organization, integrating with your electronic medical record and removing frustrating manual processes.
3. Time and cost savings
As previously mentioned, utilizing a vendor can set your organization free from administrative burden – and that translates to tangible time and cost savings. Fewer resources are required for registry submission when partnering with a vendor, and providers and staff can return their focus to what they do best – caring for patients.
4. Increased data integrity
To err is human, including during data collection. When collecting data internally, especially manually, your database is at risk of containing duplicative or inaccurate information. Your vendor partner apply conditional logic to collect the right data, from the right patient, at the right time and ensure overall data integrity.
5. Increased accessibility and usage
The point of participating in clinical registries is to pull value from the data, and it’s very difficult to pull value if only a few organizational leaders have access to the registry. By utilizing a vendor for data collection, entire teams can have access to the patient data collected. This increased access ensures value beyond registry submission. Your organization can leverage the information collected for quality, clinical, and organizational improvements.
There are obvious benefits to partnering with a vendor for registry submissions – so much so that registries have begun authorizing specific vendors for submission. For example, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has a list of authorized vendors for registry submission. These vendors, such as PatientIQ, undergo a validation process that ensures they maintain data integrity and streamline the submission process.
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